Martin O'Malley is running for DNC chair

Martin O'Malley is running for DNC chair
Gov. Martin O'Malley (l) speaks with the late New Hampshire state representative Renny Cushing at a campaign event in Durham, New Hampshire in 2015. Photo by me.

A black SUV pulls up to the curb at a home in Durham, New Hampshire and Martin O'Malley steps out. It's May, 2015 and Gov. O'Malley is running for president. He walks up a few steps and onto the lawn, where I've been waiting for him in a crowd of about a dozen photographers and video people. He spots me and walks over. At 6'1" he towers over me.

O’Malley shakes my hand and asks, “Are you the official photographer?” How much trouble would I have gotten into if I’d replied, “Wow. Condescending much?” Because that's what I was thinking.

Good luck, Gov. O'Malley. You're lucky I don't have a vote on the DNC, because I hold a grudge like nobody's business.